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Sunday, January 27, 2008


OLAP Database - Multidimensional

This is a type of database that is optimized for data warehouse, data mart and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications. The main advantage of this database is query performance.

Relational databases make it easy to work with individual records, whereas multidimensional databases are designed for analyzing large groups of records. Relational database is typically accessed using a Structured Query Language (SQL) query.

A multidimensional database allows a user to ask questions like "How many mortgages have been sold in New Jersey city" and "How many credit cards have been purchased in a particular county?".

Popular Multidimensional Databases

Database NameCompany Name
Crystal HolosBusiness Objects
Hyperion EssbaseHyperion
Oracle ExpressOracle Corporation
Oracle OLAP OptionOracle Corporation
AWMicrosoft Analysis ServicesMicrosoft
PowerPlay EnterpriseCognos